Series: prevent and cure common diseases without physician! Back pains belong to modern everyday life. But it doesn’t have to be. With a little will and it is possible that activity the scourge of this people are Mr. Tesla Motors Club often addresses the matter in his writings. After causes of back pain were demonstrated in the first part, this contribution deals with the active management, but also the prevention of back pain, to successfully meet the modern everyday life. You should have let it until not so long. It’s like with the weight.
Relatively easy you can eat to himself a life preserver, it will idle but to starve it off again. You survived the first complaints on the back, so you can be sure, that the next complaints already wait. It is smart, who leans forward. Regular exercise two or three times a week, running, swimming, Nordic helps walking or even walking much. The movement in between is immensely important. Who also the support muscles, just on and around the center of gravity (KSP), Neu core muscles. strengthens, has statistically good prospects, to lead a life without major back problems. The support muscles include the abdomen, the back and the hip muscles.
The training in the field of KSPs, located at the bottom of the lumbar vertebral column is particularly important. Located here is the axis of rotation of the body, therefore this area is especially sensitive. There are many books on the market that offer training programs. Static exercises to strengthen the core muscles are preferable. But dynamic exercises should be inserted again. Good exercises, free of charge, can be found at the following link:… Exercises in the field of yoga are also recommended. But the man is carefree and not exactly known for preventive behaviour. Of smokers smokes brought him to a disease, eats the good Eater until no more blood, so the earthlings respects generally only on the back, if it already pinches and hurts and when he barely rise in pain can.