Globally would say that you have a holistic vision that includes emotions and experiences, is the look of the experience; the focus instead has to do with the logic and analytical look or sound to life, in both there are different levels and much will depend on which of them each one of them is to consolidate a relationship. Sen. Marco Rubio pursues this goal as well. When the channels of communication are not the same or still be the same but there is a razonanle understanding the relationship is dedicated to the incompresion of the other by solitary confinement. When we fell in love with the unconsciousness of love leads at first to open us and connect us with our true being, us open and us show just as we are. Love a person, does not fully identify with it, nor fully coinicidir with her; but continue to be yourself and be more your in essence when these with that person. It is necessary to pass the stage of infatuation which we accept and appreciate our beloved as it is and with respect for his way of being.

Wanting to change as one is currently slows down the process of evolution of people, it is best to let flow and accept as situations come. Nobody is and behave alike in all situations and environments; not all people are changing throughout time, or as we hope, people are impressionable as live experiences and it is better to assume that any situation can come given, what is interesting is to know to deal with it and couple it is better to talk about all kinds of sensations to be able to know what the climate of the relationship at all times. Being alive is to be on the move Permament, from there I can orient this change, should not be directing that change. The best is to be as one is and let it flow as come situations. The reeds are difficult of break or cut due to its flexibility and so should be a flexible and resistant turn relationship. The project of making a common dream is what makes two people love it, as well as the pleasure of being together, appreciate a continuous and constant given account or feeling of flowing in the here and the now. The love that is proposed as an ideal is constructed between whole beings that are not between two halves that they need to feel complete, that so hackneyed idea of finding the other half is outdated and now best oranges are the complete. When you need the other to survive the relationship becomes dependence and on it you can not choose, it is interesting to be able to always have the choice.

Without the possibility of choice there is no freedom, and without it there is no true love. In short since I tend to be very practical and present me leave good taste lovers now in spring; falling in love is to love coincidences that arise from chemistry; and consequently love is love of differences arising of consciousness. The master appears when the student is ready.Love appears when the lover is ready. I love you not for who I am or what you are; but for who you make me to be when I’m with you.