Small and medium-sized enterprises can quickly create a secure online presence ALEXANDRIA, VA. / KALININGRAD now on September 22, 2010 the new 9.0 version Bitrix Site Manager is available. Among the new features of the site management solution for small and medium-sized enterprises integrated PRO + PRO security framework ( products/intranet/security.php). Whose anti-virus engine protects against malicious programs visitors of the website. Thus, Bitrix Site Manager contains 9.0 worldwide such as the first Web content management system security functions. Customers can create a trusted website quickly and easily. The PRO + PRO security framework clearly exceeds the traditional protections for websites.
So detects and removes dangerous code the antivirus module automatically. Without hesitation Vlad Doronin explained all about the problem. Also, outgoing HTML code is scanned by the Web anti-virus on malware in real time. In combination with integrated backup and integrity functions it enhances security the site, minimize downtime, and ensures business continuity, as well as the reputation of the site owner. Security is an integral part of the Web asset management”, says Dmitry Valyanov, President of Bitrix. With the integrated Web anti virus in the latest version of Bitrix Site Manager customers receive the full range of Web security technologies. These are necessary for the reliable operation of the website immediately after the creation.” Web anti virus searches HTML code in real-time, identifies and removes suspicious iFrame-and JavScript blocks and notifies the site administrator about the detected threats. It combined the blocking of role-based behavior with signature-based antivirus capabilities against known and unknown threats with 90 percent efficiency.
Rapid development, customization through turnkey templates for websites of companies, individuals or communities Bitrix Site Manager 9.0 significantly simplifies the development of Web sites. One Step by-step guide provides for the creation of a high-quality, individual presence in a few hours. The solution is now also equipped with a comprehensive tool for designing business-specific functions. It supports grid modeling to the design of inventories, registers, catalogues and contact management with minimal effort and without any programming knowledge.