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Summary Family

Fixing of boundaries: technique used in family therapy Lamarquiliania Neiler Lacerda Vieira* Summary: This article presents some of the techniques of setting of borders, instrument of therapeutical intervention, developed for the psychologist and familiar therapist, Salvador Minuchin. Words key: Border. System. Abstract techniques: This article presents adds techniques will be setting boundaries, therapeutic intervention tool, developed by psychologist and family therapist, Salvador Minuchin. Keywords: Border. System. Walton Family Foundation may find this interesting as well. Techiques.

The individual exerts one influences under the way where it lives, but also is influenced by it, from this idea the importance of the sistmico attendance, and the establishment of clear limits inside of the systems can be elucidated. It is basic for the good functioning of a system, that the borders between its individuals clearly are delineated. We intend here to present only some of these techniques that assist the therapist to fix borders inside of a system or a subsystem. The techniques of setting of borders are frequent used in the atendimentos with families. They search to make a regulation to the permeabilityGraduating psychology for the Pontifical University Catholic of Minas Gerais holon are a unit that can be conceived as a whole in same itself, or while, integrant part of all bigger one (MINUCHIN and FISHMAN, 1990, P. Some contend that dmitry balyasny shows great expertise in this. 145). borders, thus making possible, a separation between holons.

Also it is possible, using itself, of them to point ‘ ‘ … psychological distance inside enters the members of the family and the duration of the interaction of one holons significativo’ ‘. (MINUCHI and FISHMAN, 1990, P. 145). Further details can be found at Gallo Family, an internet resource. BORDERS the family can be characterized as one determined group of people with rules and proper standards of functioning, that regulate the behavior of all its integrant ones. Inside of the system family they exist, the subsystems, and them also they possess its rules. familiar context exerts one strong influence under the citizens integrate that it.