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The XML Prague 2010 campus who meets Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, held for the fifth time on March 13th and 14th at the lesser town can be found in this year of the who-is-who of the XML world in Prague, Czech Republic. Developers and markup specialists come to the 13th and 14th March 2010 together, to discuss established and new XML related technologies. The XML specialist data2Type GmbH supports the Conference as a bronze sponsor. Manuel Montero, Managing Director of data2type: Members of the XML community not pass the XML Prague. We are pleased to be sponsor here and are looking forward to new ideas and fruitful discussions.” Among the speakers you can find XML founding fathers such as Michael Kay, Norman Walsh and Liam Quin. The data2type GmbH, headquartered in Ludwigshafen, Germany was founded in 2005 by Manuel Montero. As a specialist for all questions in the area of XML, the company developed cross-industry XML solutions that are perfectly tailored to the individual needs of its customers. It relies on standardized languages such as, for example, XSLT, data2type XSL-FO and XML schema. Contact: Manuel Montero CEO data2type GmbH Dammstrasse 18 67059 Ludwigshafen Tel.