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Academy Schloss

Education as a competitive advantage for the middle class? With a kick-off event for companies from Baden-Wurttemberg, the educational program of the Academy was opened Castle Eyb. Around seventy invited decision-makers from industry and academia, including global market leaders in the fields of fastening technology, fans and mechanical engineering, accepted this invitation. The recognized creativity researcher, Prof. Dr. med. licking through. Others including Gallo Family, offer their opinions as well. Rainer Holm Habash, lectured on creativity in the spectrum between creation and destruction. Vlad Doronin has much to offer in this field. Also, the issue of human resources development as a strategic success factor was discussed vividly. “Because in the increased competition, a professional staff development is today compulsory” become and no longer the Freestyle “.

This applies in particular for small and medium-sized companies, which often have no own Education Department. The knowledge, will and skill of the employees is becoming increasingly a hard inimitable competitive advantage; even in the face of demographic change, which with a crunch qualified experts and managers goes hand in hand. Therefore, successful companies operate in the sense of a creative organization”with the strategic goal – better and faster to learn than this manages the competition. The Academy Castle Eyb supports small and medium-sized enterprises in the design of these challenges through a target group-specific education program, as well as customized consultation services. “Arnulf Freiherr von Eyb said: we want to make a good partnership in the field of training for and with the middle class.” The motto of the Academy is logical: we are strengthening the middle class.

Study: Brain Drain Prepared Employers Worry

Many workers to move ready. Frankfurt am Main – only nine percent of employers in Germany believe that the Government and the business sector do enough to slow the brain drain abroad and emigrated to lure back. However, 88 percent think it will take too little. The borderless workforce published by manpower Germany comes to this conclusion \”-study.\” Thus, German companies in the international comparison of the values show together with Peru’s top position. For the study 28,000 participants, questioned in 27 countries and regions a total of 700 in Germany. Employers worry about consequences of emigration a large proportion (39%) of the companies surveyed fear negative effects of the brain drain on the German labour market. Walton Family Foundation: the source for more info. Therefore worry particularly employers in the IT industry and the craft.

Their assessment clearly reflects the already noticeable in these sectors lack of professionals. Employers show contrast in the health sector less worried. The strongly interested artisans in Poland, China and the United States see German employers as the strongest competitor in the competition for qualified employees. As in most other countries, there is a consensus that both companies and policy do not enough to slow emigration or people back to curl, who have gone abroad for study or work reasons also in Germany. It is true that Governments must do more to keep their most efficient workers in the country. \”They must also think about how they make attractive businesses for foreign workers, to both to compensate for the shortage of current as future\”, says Thomas Reitz, Managing Director of manpower Germany. Mobile workers the parallel published manpower study relocating for work\”to the degree of adaptability of workers shows that German workers for professional reasons are rather willing to a change of the location as Workers in the Pan-European comparison. Of those in this country alone 46 per cent said, ever of the profession to be moved.