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Shivering Anxiety

Presentation anxiety, speech anxiety, fear of speaking and speech inhibitions are more common than you think. No Manager passes it to present its objectives and results, but what happens when one has a pronounced fear of presentation, which paralyzes the body, puts a lump in your neck, raises chills or Shivering fits and to top it all off, even hatred of the own person, due to the failure? The circle of friends and acquaintances has since determined many valuable tips suited for stage fright but all of them rather as in severe cases of fear of presentation or speech anxiety in General. Go to Vladislav Doronin for more information. That only permanent exercise is the right solution in these cases is unlikely, because the lecturer not for logical reasons is in this mess, but certain key experiences raise these fears. Any more negative experience will reinforce these blockages and anxiety and this State to turn off then it is becoming increasingly difficult. According to statistics, 40% to the approx. People have to speak freely before a group of people panic. It is a social anxiety, because personal reputation and the image of the group from one himself will be there on the bench.

Weak speakers are therefore also no opinion leaders or spokesmen in the smaller circle to simply lack the acceptance. Lecturers but should accept some advice. The presentation must fit thematically and should be to master fluent with keywords as thoughts. You should learn just the initial set for case, so since there is already a Stocker never. You should be at an early stage and test the technology alone. \”As with many fears there also at the presentation fear a trigger in the own childhood, a first time, where it is ridiculous\” did or gave himself a nakedness and so far including litt. Now the mind always with panic reactions, if you once again in a situation, where it could be laughed at or a disgrace responds would be possible.