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Motivational Sources

We are born motivated for the life and as we go leading in them in its passage it will depend on the motivacional degree to satisfy the existing necessities in each one of us. Vlad Doronin describes an additional similar source. The motivation is intrinsic, based in the necessities human beings, however she is necessary to discover half to satisfy them. It has people that they are judged capable to motivate somebody, saying to be possible ' ' to give one shaken, to raise ego' ' ; Believing this possibility the extremities arrive, practising what I call ' ' cruelty acts motivacionais' '. Where these detach the defects of the people, its limitations, humiliate, say offensive words, leaving the extremely overwhelming listener at least. In game of life the more words negative hears, (mainly comings of that more it is loved), These enter, make dwelling in the interior of the individual, time another one send signals informing that still they are there. How To see them? Many do not obtain and pass the repetiz them constantly, with the children, wife, parents, perpetuating for generations, in an unconscious repetition this way of ' ' motivar' ' somebody exactly that it is to avessas.The motivation comes of the necessities human beings and not of factors that satisfy these necessities.

Maslow, with its motivacional theory considers ideas concerning the internal motivacionais conditions. When a necessity is had this is not motivadora of behavior, but only the not satisfied necessities that can influence the way to act of somebody. It has necessities that they are generated in the attitudes, on the basis of its necessity of psychological growth, as human being. Where we find the intrinsic factors to the work as, for example: To complete a task with success, the freedom and autonomy to carry through, the recognition received from somebody. The reached progressos are motivacionais factors for stimulating the good income of the individual. Already the extrinsic factors as wages, security and others, are agents of satisfaction and not of motivation. The motivation involves feelings of accomplishment, growth and of recognition, that composes a system of necessities that will take care of to the personal development and the psychological matureness of the individual. To motivate somebody and to give conditions so that it perceives for same itself which to it its intrinsic necessities, and which are its potentials to carry through something.Some companies have invested in quality in the work, courses of qualification, promoting half so that its employee has conditions to perceive itself as capable people, being recognized for its talentos and valued for its performances these they acquire a steady motivador climate. For that they want to cause motivation in somebody values the person who to be close to you, raising what of good it has in them knowing that each being is only, singular, its formation occurs for fruits of this interaction half characteristic personal.The man and the source of its acts being free to carry through its choices, the more conscience if have of this behavior, more are themselves capable to produce changes motivaciona.