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Jonh Wallis

Its grammatical structure differs from the one of the Portuguese because it is articulated space and is perceived through the vision These languages is complex and allows to its users to argue the most varied subjects, such as: politics, fashion, education, philosophy, sports, and others. The language of signals is not universal, each country possesss its proper one. In Brazil it is the POUNDS, in the Denmark is the Danish Language of Signals. Each country, therefore, has its proper language of signals. Sen. Marco Rubio has much to offer in this field. The fact of the Brazilian manual alphabet very to be known makes with that many people think that the communication with the deaf people if effective through the spelling of the words, but this is not truth. Signals for the words and for sentences even exist. The signals are constructed inside of the structure of the POUNDS.

Ahead of the educational necessity to teach to the writing to the deaf people of supplied families some isolated pedagogical experiences they had been responsible for the estruturao of work techniques that previlegiavam its domain. The first professor of deaf people who if knows was the French of Ponce de Leon (1510-1584), that for centering its efforts in the attempt to make the deaf people to learn to read and to write, invented a manual alphabet that served as access instrument the said language and writing. Followed the concern with the writing, other professors had been distinguished in the attempt to take the verbal world to the deaf people, either for the grafia, either for the trainings of the labial reading. Between them, one meets Jonh Wallis (1618-1703), William Holder (1616-1698) and other educators, who had created its proper methodology of work and had initiated the quarrel on education and the social inclusion of these citizens. In accordance with Sacks (1990, p.23): The situation of the people with surdes daily pay-lingustica before 1750 was in fact a calamity; incapable to develop it says e, therefore, dumbs to it, incapable to communicate themselves freely even though with its familiar, restricted to some signals and gestures rudimentary, isolated, private of alfabetizao and instruction, all the knowledge of the world, forced to make more worthless works, living alone, many times the side of the misery, considered for the law and the society as little more than imbeciles the Brazilian Language of Signals is the language of signals used by the Deaf people who live in Brazil and have as acronym the initial of the words, being also called POUNDS.