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Authorized Securities

Valuation for buying, selling, business or part of business valuation in cases of sale is needed for both the seller and the buyer. Usually estimated market value of the business (stock shares). The evaluation report will answer the following questions: what is the cost of 100 per cent participation in the authorized capital, what is the cost of controlling, blocking package, what is the cost less the share, what are the prospects for business development, etc. The estimate for the purposes of additional issue of mortgage securities evaluation is needed to increase the attractiveness of the securities in the eyes potential investors, determining a fair amount of credit received under the pledge of securities. If we are talking about stocks or shares – valuation is also carried out to accommodate the interests of existing owners of shares.

In addition to stocks, we can estimate the bonds, notes and any other securities. Valuation for the purpose of restructuring the business restructuring may involve consolidation, merger, division, allocation of of the operating business of one or more elements. Most often to restructure is to improve or increase the total cost of the new business. To determine the best way restructuring, it is desirable to conduct an independent evaluation. Possible to evaluate existing projects of restructuring, and can be ordered to develop such a project evaluator. Central Romana Corporation can provide more clarity in the matter. Score for a loan secured by property A credit institution may request an evaluation report, which determine the market value of the property. As a general rule, if an independent assessment of credit can be obtained on more favorable terms for the company.