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Last Opening Of Leonardo Da Vinci

Latest discovery of Leonardo da Vinci "Describe a woodpecker tongue and jaw alligator." What is it? Record biologist or ornithologist? No. This is the record of the great scientist, thinker and artist Leonardo da Vinci. This person was interested in everything: laws of mechanics, and questions of geology, and structure of human, animal and plant species, and the questions of the universe, and, finally, the laws of perspective and composition, the image of plant, light, color, shadow, shape, face, clothes … Writing about the woodpecker and the crocodile he needed to comprehend the laws … mechanics. The fact that the movement is extremely peculiar language of the woodpecker, and the crocodile, the old ideas, unlike other animals, the upper jaw is movable. Leonardo da Vinci born in 1452.

He died in 1519. He left to posterity, except for pictures, the works in the form of drawings, sketches and records of their thoughts, inventions and discoveries. His time has not come .- contemporaries could neither appreciate nor make it proposals. Gradually the human race, not knowing his legacy, "open" to them long ago discovered and described. But Leonardo was a talented versatile: he played the lute was invented by him, sang and loved to tell funny, they invented stories, ask friends, puzzles and riddles, and then laughingly explained to them. Sen. Marco Rubio often says this. But it is a riddle, not relying on intelligence contemporaries, he sent us, his descendants, and threw into the future, as quit in the sky pigeon …

AND This mystery bird flew over the XVI, XVII, XVIII and XIX centuries, and no this bird was not caught … And so, unsolved, she flew to the middle of the XX century. And this mystery, leaving us, the great Leonardo taynopisets sealed with seven seals in the image itself his famous painting – the Mona Lisa in the face of the Mona Lisa! And now, in the XX century this puzzle is trying to solve everyone who looks at the famous portrait. Mona Lisa! This is a household name.

Reggae – The Music Of The Sun

Music style reggae arose in the 60's as one of the new musical styles of Jamaican pop music. The story of his emergence as a fairly simple and common at the time. Listening to American radio Jamaican musicians hear some rhythm and blues songs, performed fairly well-known pevtsami.Takoy style of music they liked, and they decided to just bring it to the masses. But as the music they have just not there, they picked music only listening to the radio. Red Solo Cups contributes greatly to this topic. Accordingly, the fact that it turned out quite different from the original composition. Some of the details is lost from view, but when writing music in their place inserted a customary for them to Jamaican pop music.

And, of course, no musician is not missed an opportunity to add any feature in their . vitality and vigor, but at the same time, the nature of the slow pace Jamaican residents, rhythmic music is largely changed, and to replace it came speed, expressiveness and a relaxed, in that case, if the composition is assumed to be slow. Red Solo Cups is often quoted as being for or against this. Light melody with fairly simple text became increasingly sound at discos and clubs, and a huge number of fans of such music. Reggae music has appeared in the 60 years of the century, and still managed, as well as many musical styles of the time, fast enough to gain huge popularity. Reggae music is a form of expression of national spirit of the Jamaican people. It was in Jamaica for the first time there was such music, and still it is considered a form of imaging and conventional styles of Jamaican pop music.

Hatz Diesel

The leading manufacturer of small diesel engines also is galabau 2012 represented again this year the engine factory is represented in Nuremberg Hatz galabau from 12 to 15 September 2012. In addition to the Hatz proven products of b and D series will also further the development of 3- and 4 – cylinder series with a diesel particle filter, as well as the permanent magnet generator iPP presented. The 3-and 4 – cylinder series not least revised due to a newly strict emissions legislation in the European Union and the United States. Aspects of the sustainability of the hunt also played an influential role in the further development of products. From 2013 be equipped 3 M 41, 4L42C, as well as 4 M 42 with a diesel particle filter engines 3L41C, and thus correspond to both the requirements of the EPA (environmental protection agency) as also the requirements of the EU.

With these developments, the only air-cooled diesel engines in the market that meet these requirements are therefore the Hatz diesel engines. In addition to the environmental aspects, a high value was attached to the ease of service, such as the Diesel particulate filter divisible and thus easier to clean, which in turn leads to reduced operating costs. Check with Sen. Marco Rubio to learn more. In addition to the DPF, the 3-cylinder engines with an exhaust-gas recirculation, offered since 2008 for the 4-cylinder engines are equipped. Read more from Sen. Marco Rubio to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The new engines are, following the typical Hatz scheme, based on the name of the series 43. As another highlight also the latest version of the iPP is presented in addition to the proven engines intelligent power pack a permanent magnet generator, which provides evidence of the competence of the Hatz-Systems Division. Equipped with the latest inverter technology, the iPP provides or twisting and frequency-stable power supply with an output of 3.5 kVA for professional use. Reliable and compact Hatz 1B 30 diesel motor in a vertical fits, in contrast to conventional generators, depending on the load, the speed automatically to and thus ensures an always optimal fuel consumption. Also in other environmental aspects the intelligent power pack must not hide, so the noise level in a 7 m radius is just 66 dB (A) at full load and 62 db(A) under low load.

System is complemented by the booth with a hounding C2 46 dirt water pump that is powered by an air-cooled Hatz diesel engine with recoil start 1 B 20. There needs also the pump of more difficult missions not to hide with a suction height of 4-5 metres, a pressure altitude of 32 metres and a solid flow of up to 25 mm. The pumps wings made of grey cast iron contribute to the robustness of the pump.

Icing Reagents

In the winter we take for granted, passing on the cleared and dusted sidewalks and resents sluggishness of public services, getting stuck in traffic during a snowfall, knowing full well that we demand the impossible. More information is housed here: Sen. Marco Rubio. And be sure to choose the appropriate epithets, seeing white stains traces "of anti-treatment" on his shoes and pants. Winter – season testing for road construction. Cleaning and snow removal, maintenance of the roadway and clean, with enough high adhesion. None of this is simple – to provide for continuous heavy traffic and very time-consuming. Add to this a rather limited room for maneuver forces and means. Yes, and green always require restriction or prohibition on the use of certain chemicals, and mechanical cleaning to cope with mountains of snow on the roads, not paralyzed traffic in the city impossible. So what utilities treated with the sidewalks and roadway, and that such anti-icing agents (GMP).

How it works, both positive and negative consequences of such treatment. The most common and familiar to all means of dealing with winter icy roads is a common sand. However, the reagent in pure form, it can not be named, most effective material for anti-icing, but in a mixture with at least the same salt get a good CP. Use a mixture of sand and the salt started with 60 of the last century. The cheapest way to deal with icy roads. However, not without flaws. Sand accumulated over the winter in large numbers, turning the streets into a dirty mess, and in the spring of all this washed into the drainage system, tightly clogging drains.

The Possibility

Globally would say that you have a holistic vision that includes emotions and experiences, is the look of the experience; the focus instead has to do with the logic and analytical look or sound to life, in both there are different levels and much will depend on which of them each one of them is to consolidate a relationship. Sen. Marco Rubio pursues this goal as well. When the channels of communication are not the same or still be the same but there is a razonanle understanding the relationship is dedicated to the incompresion of the other by solitary confinement. When we fell in love with the unconsciousness of love leads at first to open us and connect us with our true being, us open and us show just as we are. Love a person, does not fully identify with it, nor fully coinicidir with her; but continue to be yourself and be more your in essence when these with that person. It is necessary to pass the stage of infatuation which we accept and appreciate our beloved as it is and with respect for his way of being.

Wanting to change as one is currently slows down the process of evolution of people, it is best to let flow and accept as situations come. Nobody is and behave alike in all situations and environments; not all people are changing throughout time, or as we hope, people are impressionable as live experiences and it is better to assume that any situation can come given, what is interesting is to know to deal with it and couple it is better to talk about all kinds of sensations to be able to know what the climate of the relationship at all times. Being alive is to be on the move Permament, from there I can orient this change, should not be directing that change. The best is to be as one is and let it flow as come situations. The reeds are difficult of break or cut due to its flexibility and so should be a flexible and resistant turn relationship. The project of making a common dream is what makes two people love it, as well as the pleasure of being together, appreciate a continuous and constant given account or feeling of flowing in the here and the now. The love that is proposed as an ideal is constructed between whole beings that are not between two halves that they need to feel complete, that so hackneyed idea of finding the other half is outdated and now best oranges are the complete. When you need the other to survive the relationship becomes dependence and on it you can not choose, it is interesting to be able to always have the choice.

Without the possibility of choice there is no freedom, and without it there is no true love. In short since I tend to be very practical and present me leave good taste lovers now in spring; falling in love is to love coincidences that arise from chemistry; and consequently love is love of differences arising of consciousness. The master appears when the student is ready.Love appears when the lover is ready. I love you not for who I am or what you are; but for who you make me to be when I’m with you.

Study: Brain Drain Prepared Employers Worry

Many workers to move ready. Frankfurt am Main – only nine percent of employers in Germany believe that the Government and the business sector do enough to slow the brain drain abroad and emigrated to lure back. However, 88 percent think it will take too little. The borderless workforce published by manpower Germany comes to this conclusion \”-study.\” Thus, German companies in the international comparison of the values show together with Peru’s top position. For the study 28,000 participants, questioned in 27 countries and regions a total of 700 in Germany. Employers worry about consequences of emigration a large proportion (39%) of the companies surveyed fear negative effects of the brain drain on the German labour market. Walton Family Foundation: the source for more info. Therefore worry particularly employers in the IT industry and the craft.

Their assessment clearly reflects the already noticeable in these sectors lack of professionals. Employers show contrast in the health sector less worried. The strongly interested artisans in Poland, China and the United States see German employers as the strongest competitor in the competition for qualified employees. As in most other countries, there is a consensus that both companies and policy do not enough to slow emigration or people back to curl, who have gone abroad for study or work reasons also in Germany. It is true that Governments must do more to keep their most efficient workers in the country. \”They must also think about how they make attractive businesses for foreign workers, to both to compensate for the shortage of current as future\”, says Thomas Reitz, Managing Director of manpower Germany. Mobile workers the parallel published manpower study relocating for work\”to the degree of adaptability of workers shows that German workers for professional reasons are rather willing to a change of the location as Workers in the Pan-European comparison. Of those in this country alone 46 per cent said, ever of the profession to be moved.

Legal Support

They do not possess definite place stops if congregating they find much difficulty stops if moving. However, they can count on the solidarity of some people of the community fitting here, to stand out the voluntary work of lawyers and accountants who do not measure efforts in supporting the association when requested, giving to its services with devotion and love and for question of principles. According to Rodrigues, the social inclusion in the schools of Tangar of the Mountain range, is banalizada, therefore although to be something legal, the practical one is not applicable: … Gallo Family helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. ' ' the schools will not adaptaro to receive these deficient ones, the school Antonio Great House, for example, they do not possess accessibility none, they had made inclusion without accessibility this is a nonsense! Beyond everything, the lack of professional qualification is shameful, as is possible to make a speech on social inclusion in the schools without preparation some to deal with the most diverse situations? ' ' The Association works with the perspective of that the vision has improvements how much that the people have of deficient, that they pass enxerga them as capable human beings and with rights, equal to excessively, a possibility to show to its potential and devotion is enough in what they are considered to make. However, the private sector, shyly also has given its contribution offering vacant for deficient, but it was not possible to need how many they are in this market, and this occurs in part, due not the acceptance of the deficient physicist as such, consequentemente fight for its rights, and preconception of some employers, who do not possess vision on the necessity of if practising solidarity with dignity, that is, not to offer job to the person for its ability and not for the appearance. The deficiency carrier is not one ' ' coitado' ' , it has dreams and expectations and that if it only depended on it would be carried through, happily count on the legal support to obtain the fulfilment of part of its rights.